1921 map of Japan, Korea and Taiwan - by Kenji Ogura
1921 map of Japan, Korea and Taiwan - by Kenji Ogura
‘Looks like a very high quality map’
Population density map of Taiwan (2019)
Population density map of Taiwan (2019)
‘What’s the reason for this disproportion?
Eastern part of Taiwan is mountainous
it’s also more prone to natural disasters’
Taiwan gridded population
Taiwan gridded population
“Fun fact: Taiwan has more than 260 peaks over 3,000m in altitude, all in this little island … It’s a very rough terrain.Maybe that’s why they’re so crowded in Taipei’
1942 Japanese Map of Taiwan
1942 Japanese Map of Taiwan
‘Japan: Everything sunny all the time, always! Beach party!‘–poktanju
Indigenous tribes in Taiwan
Military map of Taiwan in Chinese (1950)
Military map of Taiwan in Chinese (1950)
Taiwan Economic Activity (1967)
Taiwan Economic Activity (1967)
Taiwan Land Use (1967)
Taiwan Land Use (1967)
Taiwan Population Density (1967)
Taiwan Population Density (1967)
1727 map of Taiwan
1727 map of Taiwan