1946 map of The Crusades
1946 map of The Crusades
‘Israel is commonly referred to as the last Crusader outpost state of Europe, whose existence, like the ones before it, is a temporary blight that will eventually come to an end’–ConfidentEmploy
1909 Ottoman Map of Beirut Vilayet and Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate
1909 Ottoman Map of Beirut Vilayet and Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate
‘You can see the train tracks on the map which used to link Beirut with Damascus. What’s really cool is that many decades ago, the world wars and then the the civil war in Lebanon froze the old trains and train stations in time in Lebanon, and today, once you cross the eastern side of the coastal mountains in Lebanon, you can see the old abandoned train tunnels from the early 1900s used to protect the trains from the mountain snow’–Norcan987