1729 map of Sicily, Sardinia and the foot of Italy
1729 map of Sicily, Sardinia and the foot of Italy - by Matthaeus Seutter
1729 map of Sicily, Sardinia and the foot of Italy - by Matthaeus Seutter
1682 map of Sardinia and Corsica - by Frederick de Wit
‘A very naughty boy who really likes artillery is from one of these’
Birds-eye map of Italy (1853)
‘We really have a beautiful planet don’t we? It’s something to look at this and imagine the Roman legions marching the valleys of these mountains. It’s almost like a fantasy map. Life imitates art, as they say.’
1878 map of Italy
‘I love how they ran out of room on a map of Italy… for Italy.
A lot of maps of this period do this. I’m not certain but it seems like a recurring stylistic choice.’
Italy drawn up by roads
‘There’s a saying that all roads lead to someplace, but I just don’t remember…
Milan, by the looks of it’
1953 pictorial map of Etna, Sicily
‘If you look at the area now, catania swallowed all the neighbouring towns from industrial and housing sprawl, amazing’–jakalanski
Pirî Reis 1525 map of Venice
‘His map of the New World is excellent. He just drew it in 1513. It is a subject of lots of Conspiracy theories and alternative history’–midlleeastcelts
Kingdom of Sardinia 16th century map
’“Diese Rammen seind vast unbekannt/ unnd werden allein in Sardinia gefunden: So aber jemand sie will wissen/ der besehe die Tafel Ptolemei” - These rams are nearly unknown and can only be found in Sardinia. If you want to know about them you should look at the boards (tabula) of Ptolemei. The Sardinian rams are descriped by Ptolemy, but I am not sure if this text is thinking about the rams used on ships or the animal’–Boron20
Italian river basins
‘Non vengo dall’Italia, quindi scusate il mio italiano di Google. Questo è un bel lavoro, grazie per averlo condiviso. Studio geografia e questo genere di cose mi affascina. Bello!‘–shagginwaggon66
Exaggerated relief map of Italy
‘Well that’s a relief……..’–the_normal_person
First Cousin Marriages in Italy, by percentage, 1930-1964
“Oh God I’m 100 percent Sicilian”–sjpicci
1738 map of southern Italy - by Nicolas de Fer
[5161 x 6974]
Main Language Groups in Iron Age Italy, 6th century BC
“Because while Umbrian was its own language, it didn’t have its own alphabet, so when writing stuff down, they would use either a slightly modified version of the Etruscan or (later) the Latin alphabet, which we can decipher today, even though we might not know all the vocabulary”–Raffmonster
Exaggerated relief map of Italy - with cloud cover
[5000 × 5000]
Exaggerated relief map of Sicily
“Mount Etna is very visible, like a pimple on the east coast”–carlosdsf
[7995 × 5928]