1586 map of Greece, western Turkey, and the Balkans
1586 map of Greece, western Turkey, and the Balkans - by Stefano Bonsignori
‘The color gives it Assassins creed vibes!’
1586 map of Greece, western Turkey, and the Balkans - by Stefano Bonsignori
‘The color gives it Assassins creed vibes!’
1895 Ethnographic map of the Balkan Peninsula
‘Pretty cool. The three shades of green are kind of hard to tell apart tho’–redvillafranco
1909 Ottoman map of Crete
‘Cool penmanship, but what a mess’–TheGrammatonCleric
Languages in Greece
“And all of them if you combine them is 1% of the population”–megaconify
“Thessaloniki doesn’t mean “victory over Thessaly” - more accurate would be to say “victory in Thessaly”–Paepaok