Water catchments of Australia
Water catchments of Australia
‘This is incredible. I love the way there are so many large catchment areas in the east of the continent however once you get in to the west it is all broken up into tiny sections … Tiny?! Some of those catchment areas are still the size of Belgium … Thank you kind sir for using my country as a measuring reference … For some reason, unknown to me, us Aussies use Belgium a lot when referring to the size of portions of Australia. I don’t get it, but that just happens … Belgium is probably the most well known, culturally significant country that’s extremely small.
It’s a good benchmark. Everyone knows about Singapore but everyone also knows that it’s basically just a city. Not everyone knows about Luxembourg and Lichtenstein.
But Belgium was a coloniser, and went to war with other European countries. It’s a big deal, so it feels meaningful to say “we’re so massive you could fit Belgium into one of our cattle stations”.’